Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Oh this last week has been so great! July 18th - 19th... First we went to Bens' family reunion on is dads was in Kanosh of all places, but it was very fun! His sister Brittney is having a baby so all his aunts decided to throw he a baby shower at the reunion. then we went to the park and sang song around the fire. We where caming in his aunts yard, which sucked because he wind blew ALL NIGHT and there was a stupid cat attacking our tent. needless to say I didn't fall asleep until about 4am. Poor benji didn't get much sleep either, because aparently after I had fallen asleep I kicked him off the mattress onto the cold hard ground...:( so your not the only one that kicks in your sleep sanna...haha! The next day we went back to the city park and kids were playing games on the grass. Ben and I decided that it would be best to lounge in the shade in our camp chairs because it was so blasted hot! so most of the day was spent shootin' the breeze with his sister brittney and her husband Jonathan.

At the Lee family reunions every person brings a raffle item to donate to the raffle and them everyone is allowed only to buy one ticket, but everyone gets something...they do this to put money into the family fund...which i think is a great idea!
We won a fleecy type blanket, and a picture of his grandpa Lee when he was in the army.
then all the girls get together and do a crafty thing and the boy go off by themselves to do obnoxious boy things.
This year the craft was making beaded jewelry...and as most of you know I don't wear jewelry so I made it for one of my sisters...cute little frogs with green and wood brown was quite fun.
Then Ben and I headed for cannonville the evening of the 19th for the Bear Festival and Old time fiddlers...we have been married for two years now and I haven't taken him to it yet, so I just had to this year! It was very fun and Ben enjoyed it emesly! I love going to cannonville it's just HOME! ah sigh
we went to church with my parents on sunday, then monday night my little sisters boyfriend came over and we had a dutch oven dinner at the park...yum! Potatoes and chicken, and corn on the cob!! Ben and I made the fire it was much fun! Yes I am a Piro! It was fun to hang out with Charlene and Jacob, we played games and laughed and had a great time!
we stayed at my parents until thursday morning...then we headed to cedar city to stay with ben's parents for a couple of days, for one of his cousins weddings. The wedding dinner was on friday Rustys of all the expensive places in cedar! Yumo! and saturday we went to St. George for the actual wedding...It was so blasted hot!! YUCKO! and it was even cloudy! It was a nice sealing though.
then we came back to cedar city and it was 20 degrees cooler! that is nuts! anyways
we went to their reception that was very fun! the Lees are such goobers! Ben's family thought it would be a good idea to provide some back ground music by playing the was great! Unlce Laird loved it...(he is the Father of the Bride). It was pouring outside and very hard to do something to the car...but it finally stoped and we got it! it was very fun! hehe
Anyways...this was pretty much our vacation this back to the old gridstone! Bleck!

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